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Faena Arts Center

Miami Beach, FL – USA

Year: June 2015 – ongoing
End customer: Faena Group
Designer: OMA – Office for Metropolitan Architecture

Materials: structural cells with custom Schüco FW50+ SG system. Three different types of frame run around the perimeter of the glass panels, forming the system’s structural base.

Screen printing at the edges completely hides the aluminium cell and the structural sealant from the exterior view and the various glass laminations and plastic layers give the system a noise reduction varying between 39 dB and 55 dB, according to the architectural requirements.

In the cylindrical part of the building, the glass and non-vertical sections of the frames were curved, obtaining different radii from the three-dimensional modelling of the individual parts.

Another feature of the site can be seen from the western side, where with a system of cells on a steel structure, it was possible to give shape to a twisted facade, with a vertex offset by 140 cm compared to the reference plane. The noise reduction of the latter reached 61 dB.


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